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    Communicate with Impact Course Programme


    Posts : 15
    Respect : 5
    Join date : 2011-07-10

    Communicate with Impact Course Programme Empty Communicate with Impact Course Programme

    Post by slavinzing56 Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:27 am

    Day 1: The Dynamics of Communication and Rapport
    Day 2: Influencing using Voice Tone, Powerful Words and Stories
    Day 3: Delivering Difficult Messages and Managing Perception
    Day 4: Presenting with impact (both large groups and one to one)
    Day 5: Client Relationship Building - Practicing Communication Tools

    Each day will be punctuated with energisers designed to refresh and enliven participants' concentration and aid learning.

    Everything we do is participative and interactive. There will be work in pairs, small group work, games, processes and exercises designed to stimulate, challenge and develop people's knowledge and skills.
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